Bloggers vs. spammers

In recent times, bloggers are flooded with guest post requests due to high rate of emergence of search engines fighting with spam techniques. In wide sense, guest posting could actually turn out to be useful to both the blogger and the one associated with the writing of the post and posting it as the host gets some free content and an entirely new perspective of the blog. At the same time author is also provided with a link to his site, with the passing PageRank through it.

The main problem is that  going through all those guest blogging requests takes a hell lot of time and even more depressing is that only a few of them are worth accepting, as per many SEO experts in Dubai. It’s really frustrating that these requests are often with broken English and are of poor quality content articles with spam links. An outcome is that, bloggers have started charging for the posts with links and have imposed restricted acceptance to the guest posts.

But if the bloggers really stop accepting the guest posts then it’s quite certain that more number of “guest posting sites” would appear whose sole aim is content creation and providing a place to put links. It’s ascertained that an acknowledged target audience associated with blogs are in general, far better for guest posting. It would be really good, if bloggers unite together by beholding high benchmark and collaborate which will ultimately result in the reduction of futile content. If guest posting can be legitimately practiced, then it’s quite feasible that there won’t be any flocking of content creators to the undesirable sites. It would be advantageous if we create our sites in order to overcome the inferior sites.

The ultimate solution to these crummy sites was to charge people for guest posts that contained company links along with the posts. This is supposed to check the growth of spammers. Hence the bloggers will be provided with an equal opportunity to make money. At the end of the day, this method is also ineffective because ultimately we still have to go through the entire tedious process with the wastage of time and the result is that, eventually good content providers are only charged, spammers are still safe.

Google looks in for do-follow links and so if you or digital marketing services are going to charge for guest posts, one way or the other you are avoiding Google’s guidelines. There is a huge crowd on web that is actually willing to pay for the do-follow links and is following other SEO methods. At times, it is better to get associated with a company that provides just the right and authentic information rather than inserting futile links.

The moral of the entire theme is that case by case judging of posts should be done. Obviously it takes time, but it’s worth doing. The major drawback with company’s link is that it attracts people and motivates them in breaking Google’s norms. So the true benchmark for the judgment of the articles should be writing not the approval of a company.